Respite care offers you a chance to step away from your duties while knowing a professional is there to provide assistance to your senior loved one. While having someone give you a break may feel like a luxury, it has many benefits that go above and beyond just letting you relax. Once you know about these amazing advantages of respite care, you’ll understand why it’s an essential part of your loved one’s care plan.
1. Strengthen Your Immune System
All the time you spend caring for your loved one increases your risk of getting sick. Stress tends to weaken the immune system, and you need to take an occasional break to build your body’s defenses back up. When your immune system is strong, you’re also less likely to bring illnesses into your loved one’s home, so both of you stay healthier.
Family caregivers need to care for their own wellbeing. If you’re caring for an aging loved one and are feeling overwhelmed, consider hiring a professional caregiver to provide respite care. Tampa families who want to prevent burnout can turn to Home Care Assistance. One of our professional caregivers can assist your loved one at home while you take a nap, go to work, run errands, or go on vacation.
2. Catch New Symptoms Earlier
Seeing your loved one every day may blind you to developing symptoms until they’re severe. However, taking a step back helps you see them with a fresh perspective. Often, just a few hours away is all it takes to notice subtle changes, such as how your loved one talks or smiles. Professional caregivers are also adept at spotting these types of symptoms, which can help your loved one get early treatment for a health event such as a stroke.
A trained professional caregiver can be an extremely valuable member of your caregiving team. There are a variety of age-related health conditions that can make it more challenging for seniors to live independently. However, many of the challenges they face can be easier to manage if their families opt for professional in-home care. Tampa families can rely on expertly trained caregivers to keep their loved ones safe and comfortable while aging in place.
3. Strengthen Family Bonds
Your loved one is likely not the only family member who needs your attention. Today’s caregivers are also focusing on raising families, caring for other aging loved ones, and trying to maintain bonds with extended family members. With respite care, you can go to your kid’s soccer game or plan a birthday party without feeling stressed out. Respite care allows you to manage other responsibilities and spend more free time with your loved one.
4. Boost Your Emotional Health
Resentment, anger, and guilt are just a few of the negative emotions family caregivers often experience, and they can drag you down if they’re allowed to fester. During the time your loved one receives respite care, you can write in a journal, talk to a counselor, or engage in physical activity that boosts your mood.
5. Reduce the Risk of Mishaps
Trying to do too much is a surefire way to make a mistake. Most mishaps in seniors’ homes happen when caregivers get too stressed or tired to make the best decisions. With respite care, you can practice self-care methods that help you be a better caregiver, such as taking a nap so you don’t forget to remind your loved one about his or her late-night medication.
6. Enjoy a Guilt-Free Source of Support
No one understands what it’s like to be a caregiver until he or she walks in those shoes. Your loved one’s respite caregiver also serves as a source of support for you. Whether you have a question about how to help your loved one do a task independently or just need to see an understanding smile, you can be certain your need will be met as soon as the caregiver arrives for his or her scheduled duties.
Of course you want to be an amazing caregiver for your loved one, but don’t be too critical of yourself if you find it overwhelming at times. Caring for a senior loved one can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in home care, but this challenge doesn’t have to be faced alone. Family caregivers can turn to Clearwater Home Care Assistance for the help they need. We provide high-quality live-in and respite care as well as comprehensive Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care. If your senior loved one needs help with the challenges of aging, call one of our compassionate Care Managers today at (727) 330-7862.