What Forms of Support Can Enable Seniors to Live at Home?

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Forms of Support Can Enable Seniors to Live at Home in Tampa Bay, FL

Everyone needs a little help sometimes, and seniors benefit when they have multiple sources of support. When aging in place is your elderly loved one’s goal, you need to begin helping him or her put together a plan that includes people and services that can meet his or her needs. Over time, your loved one may need to add more forms of support, since his or her needs will change.

Assistance with Financial Management

Age-related memory loss and dementia make it difficult to remember to pay bills on time. Your loved one can appoint someone to be in charge of checking his or her finances, paying the bills, and making sure there aren’t any mistakes with his or her accounts. This person can also manage your loved one’s accounts if he or she is sick or incapacitated. If this is your loved one’s preference, make sure to get documentation of the decision, such as a power of attorney agreement.

Specialized In-Home Care Services

Seniors who age in place need personalized care that addresses their specific needs. For example, your loved one might need someone to stop by a few times a week to help with keeping his or her cognitive skills sharp. Your loved one might also need someone to just help out with household chores when he or she is sick or not feeling up to running errands. In-home caregivers provide multiple services your loved one can choose from as needed.

If your elderly loved one needs help maintaining a high quality of life while aging in place, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a trusted provider of in-home care. Our caregivers provide transportation to and from medical appointments and social events, nutritious meal preparation, assistance with daily exercise, and help with everyday tasks like bathing, grooming, and light housekeeping.

Community Outreach Programs 

Aging in place is easier in communities that make concerted efforts to help their senior residents stay healthy. Senior centers that host activities for older adults are popular in many communities. Your loved one might be able to attend special game nights or lunches at a senior center, which can also provide a place to go when he or she needs to socialize. If your loved one’s community doesn’t have a senior center, he or she can look into other options. Recreation centers and local colleges might offer classes your loved one would love to attend.

Family Caregivers & Friends

Family and friends are one of the best forms of support for older adults. Your loved one needs to have several people to turn to for help so no one feels overburdened. You may also need to help your loved one create a list of people to call when he or she is lonely or needs some form of assistance. 

Many older adults are choosing to age in place, and some need a helping hand to continue living at home safely and comfortably. Luckily, there is professional elderly home care Clearwater seniors can trust and rely on.

Nutritional Support

Seniors are at higher risk for malnutrition. Your loved one may also have health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, that require him or her to eat a healthy diet. Nutritional support can come in many forms, and your loved one should have several types lined up to help him or her out. Your loved one can rely on a caregiver to make meals at home, and he or she may also be eligible to have meals dropped off by local nonprofits or volunteers.

A home caregiver can help your loved one plan and prepare nutritious meals. Living independently is important for seniors who want to maintain a high quality of life. For some, this simply means receiving help with tasks that have become more challenging over time. Even when families have the best intentions, they may not have the time to provide the care their elderly loved ones need and deserve. If your loved one needs help for a few hours a day or a few days a week, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a trusted provider of respite care Clearwater seniors can depend on. Call one of our friendly Care Managers today at (727) 330-7862.

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