As your senior loved one ages, the foods he or she eats become more important. Your loved one will need to follow a diet that contains the nutrients the body needs to fight against various issues, including inflammation, high blood pressure, and excessive weight gain. Eating nutritious foods could keep your loved one’s heart healthy and lower his or her risk of cardiovascular disease. Here are some of the foods your loved one should eat to boost heart health.
1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a nutritious food your loved one can eat for breakfast. The oats can lower cholesterol levels instantly. Oatmeal contains beta-glucan, a fiber that helps seniors boost their heart health and prevents various health issues, including heart disease and diabetes. Oatmeal curbs inflammation and prevents high blood pressure.
If your loved one needs help maintaining healthy habits that promote better cardiovascular health, consider hiring a caregiver. Maintaining a high quality of life can be challenging for some seniors, but professional caregivers can help them obtain this goal. Families can trust in Clearwater Home Care experts to help their elderly loved ones focus on lifestyle choices that increase the chances of living a longer and healthier life.
2. Fish
Your loved one should eat two servings a week of this heart-healthy food. Fish contains the fat your loved one needs to lower the risk of heart disease. Fish like salmon and trout can increase the levels of healthy omega-3 fatty acids in your loved one’s body. Omega-3 fatty acids lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of blood clotting, decrease the odds of a stroke or heart attack, and reduce the risk of an irregular heartbeat.
3. Nuts
Nuts contain high levels of fiber that your loved one needs to boost his or her heart health. Fiber can lower your loved one’s blood cholesterol. Nuts such as almonds and walnuts can keep seniors full for longer, which is great for losing weight.
If your busy schedule can’t accommodate extra attention to your aging loved one’s diet, consider hiring a professional caregiver. Safety Harbor respite care professionals can assist seniors with a wide array of daily tasks, offering family caregivers the chance to focus on other personal responsibilities or take a break to prevent burnout. Whether it’s for a few hours a day or a few days a week, respite care is the perfect solution for family caregivers who are feeling overwhelmed.
4. Beans
Beans are high in minerals and fiber but do not contain all of the saturated fat found in most animal proteins. The leading cause of heart disease among seniors is high blood cholesterol, but eating beans can help your loved one maintain healthier blood cholesterol levels. The multiple phytochemicals found in beans can reduce your loved one’s risk of heart disease.
5. Colorful Fruits and Vegetables
These foods are low in calories but high in vitamins. Celery, tomatoes, broccoli, berries, apples, and kale are some of the colorful fruits and vegetables that have the minerals and fiber your loved one needs to keep his or her health healthy. Tomatoes contain lutein, which is great for the heart and eyes. Your loved one should have at least five servings of colorful fruits and vegetables each day.
6. Fat-Free Dairy Products
These foods and beverages contain vitamin D, which is essential to heart health. Without enough vitamin D, your loved one is at a greater risk of strokes, peripheral arterial disease, and congestive heart failure. However, low-fat or fat-free milk, cheeses, yogurts, and other dairy products contain the vitamins necessary to protect your loved one from high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Consider hiring a dedicated caregiver if your senior loved one needs assistance preparing nutritious meals or managing other daily tasks. Aging in place can present a few unique challenges for older adults. Some only require part-time assistance with exercise or meal preparation, while others are living with serious illnesses and benefit more significantly from receiving live-in care. Safety Harbor, Florida, Home Care Assistance are leaders in the elderly in-home care industry for good reason. We tailor our care plans based on each senior’s individual needs, our caregivers continue to receive updated training in senior care as new developments arise, and we also offer comprehensive care for seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s. If you need a break from your caregiving duties, talk to one of our professional Care Managers at (727) 330-7862 today.