One of the goals of any senior is to remain independent for as long as possible. While independence is a reality for most seniors, safety is a key concern, especially when making trips outside of the house. Clearwater Home Care experts, Home Care Assistance, suggest sharing the following six tips with your senior loved one to ensure his or her safety when they are out and about.
1. Keep others informed.
Whenever your senior loved one is making a trip to the pharmacy, grocery store, or just to a friend’s for tea, make sure someone knows where he or she is headed and approximately when they will be back.
2. Prepare for the unexpected.
Senior citizens are considered “unsuspecting” targets. Make sure your loved one is ready for anything unexpected that may occur. Advise him or her not to carry packages or other items that make it hard to see or react, and car keys should always be ready in hand when headed to the vehicle.
3. Carry a cellphone.
Communication is key when it comes to staying safe. Make sure your elderly loved one has an easy to use cellphone and stress the importance of leaving it on while out. Program 1-touch dialing for a few selected numbers and show them how to use it, as well as any shortcuts for dialing 9-1-1.
4. Only bring what’s needed.
Carrying a large amount of cash, multiple credit cards, or a large bag can also make seniors a seemingly easy target for unsavory individuals. Seniors should only carry as much cash as needed, be inconspicuous when using a credit card, and avoid carry a large bag that could catch the attention of a thief.
5. Protect belongings, especially a purse or wallet.
Your elderly loved one should wear a small purse across the body to make it harder to snatch, or secure a wallet in a front or inside coat pocket to avoid theft and deter criminals who prefer an easy grab-and-go target.
6. Not in the mood? Don’t go.
We all fall pray to obligation, but it’s important for your senior loved one to pay attention to his or her own health when planning outings. If he or she is feeling tired or under the weather, reschedule the trip. If full focus and attention aren’t present, accidents are more likely to happen.
If your senior loved one is remaining independent, but needs a little help with daily tasks like grocery shopping or cooking, running errands, or medication reminders, a caregiver from Home Care Assistance could be just what your senior loved one needs. Our caregivers in Tampa are compassionate, highly trained in the Cognitive Therapeutics Method, and available 24/7. Call (727) 330-7862 to speak with a Care Manager today about the services available in your area.