Seniors are enjoying the benefits of technology as they explore the many ways going online can enhance their lives. However, it’s important for seniors to stay safe by following a few tips every time they go online. Here are a few ways your aging loved one can stay protected against scammers and hackers when using the internet.
Create Strong Passwords
It may be tempting to use a birthday or a grandchild’s name as a password. However, using personal information makes it easier for a hacker to figure the password out. Instead, your loved one should create strong passwords that include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Remind your loved one to update them frequently and never use the same password for two different sites.
A home caregiver can monitor your loved one’s safety when you need to take a break from your caregiving duties. Certain age-related conditions can make it more challenging for seniors to age in place safely and comfortably, but Clearwater live-in care experts are available around the clock to help seniors manage their health. Whether your loved one is living with dementia or recovering from a stroke, you can trust the professional live-in caregivers from Home Care Assistance to enhance his or her quality of life.
Use Privacy Settings
Allowing the public to view private information can be dangerous. When your loved one signs up for social media sites, encourage him or her to learn about the privacy settings. Making photographs or status updates visible to only a select group of trusted people can protect against theft and other types of criminal activity.
Meet New Online Friends in Public
Dating websites and hobby forums have made it possible for seniors to expand their social networks. However, your loved one should always remember he or she can never be certain if these online friends are honest until meeting them in person. When taking an online friendship to the next level by meeting offline, your loved one should set up a date in a public space, such as a coffee shop. Encourage your loved one to tell you or someone else where he or she is going and set up a time to check in.
Using the internet safely is just one of the issues aging adults must navigate in today’s modern world. Seniors can face a variety of challenges as they age, many of which can be mitigated with the help of professional in-home caregivers who provide high-quality homecare services. Trust Home Care Assistance to help your elderly loved one age in place safely and comfortably.
Learn How to Avoid Common Scams
Seniors are often the targets of scammers who use email and other methods to talk people out of their money. For example, your loved one may receive an email from someone claiming to be a long-lost relative in need of cash, or a false bill may be sent to his or her email address. Recognizing and reporting these types of scams can protect your loved one. As an additional measure, your loved one should never give out personal information, such as a bank account number, to someone who messages him or her online.
If your loved one has been diagnosed with a condition such as dementia or Alzheimer’s, his or her online activity may need to be supervised closely, and a home caregiver can help. Families looking for top-rated Clearwater elder care providers can reach out to Home Care Assistance. From respite care to specialized Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care, there are many ways we can make life easier for seniors and their loved ones. Call one of our friendly Care Managers at (727) 330-7862 to schedule a free consultation.